Laurie Straus, CBA, won the Large Sculpture competition with her "Little Old Lady in the Shoe" entry.
Marlys Parra, CBA, took top honors in the Table Centerpiece Competition with her adorable design. Contestants had to work with a "Sweet Sixteen" focus.
“Hooray for Hollywood!”
Robin Veach, CBA, and her team stand beneath her First Place design in the Entrance Decor Competition. Competitors had to create a concept with a Hollywood tribute in mind.
Delegates competed in photo contests prior to the convention. Here, Jenny Murphy of Ireland is awarded a FLOATee for one of the many competitions.
Cute and Cuddly
FLOAT 2015 saw a campaign to collect teddy bears for local children in need. Over 300 bears were collected in all and then donated to local children's hospitals and women's shelters in St. Louis.
Doing Hard Time
More delegates show off their orange pride with "ORANGE You Glad FLOAT is Back?"
Famous Balloons
Students scramble to take photos of the techniques Marlys Parra demonstrates in her bonus class
Find the FLOAT Couch!
With a long story behind it, our FLOAT couch is a common spot for selfies and photos. Make sure you get your photo taken with it at FLOAT 2017!
Getting Ready for the DAG
The pinnacle of FLOAT is the Designer Awards Gala. In 2015, the DAG, sponsored by Betallic, blew everyone away with their gorgeous designs. Special thanks to Melissa Vinson, CBA, Jan Iiams, CBA, and Eddie Heyland, CBA, for all their hard work and creativity!
On the Right Track
Dante Longhi, CBA, showcases one of his popular designs during his Master Class at FLOAT 2015.
ORANGE You Glad FLOAT is Back?
Our Opening Night Kick Off Party features a costume theme where delegates are encouraged to where as much orange as possible!
The Language of Balloons
FLOAT's "La Familia" program paired Spanish speaking students and instructors who wouldn't normally learn from one another. Here, Edna Peinado translates an answer from Romina Finali, an instructor from Spain.
Titans of FLOAT
Two of FLOAT 2015's more popular instructors, Dante Longhi and David Mahoney pose for a photo inbetween classes.
Welcome to FLOAT!
Alma Vasquez and Bobbie McAvoy stand in front of a squiggle entrance created in David Mahoney's class during FLOAT 2015.
Working Under Pressure
Ima Akwara, CBA, works diligently on her table centerpiece competition entry. Ima took second in the event as well as captured the Delegates' Choice Award for the same event.