FLOAT likes to emphasis the artistry of non-round work in decor, and very few are better at it than Royal Sorell, CBA. Here Royal teaches large scale figure sculpting to the attendees.
Beach Side Bar Hopping
Diet FLOAT was all about enjoying the opportunity to be on the beach, and Greg Hayenga from Fortune Products was all about fun in the sun! Here he visits with Ronald Metz, who was then rather new to the balloon business who had traveled to Diet FLOAT from Missouri.
Friends, Old and New
FLOAT events aren't just about education. They are also about connecting with people, whether it be reuniting with old friends and colleagues you rarely get to see or making all new ones that can add to your life's experience.
Fun in the Sun
Diet FLOAT's host hotel was literally on the beach in Miami, and breaks in the classes were scheduled so out-of-town attendees could enjoy some seasonal sunshine. Amy Veltman Cullen, CBA, shows off her company logo right before she slips into her bathing suit!
Getting Into Her Work
Linda Kiss, CBA, demonstrates a tiara style design during one of her classes at the 2011 Diet FLOAT event in Miami, Florida.
The Diet FLOAT seminar sponsored a Table Centerpiece Competition, and Silvia Santos, CBA, did NOT disappoint! Her gorgeous and elaborate design took top honors!
Iconic Characters
Royal Sorell, CBA, does an amazing job with his large scale figures. While on the one hand he creates the iconic princess, he also creates a piece that included a subtle salute to his wife and partner.
Packing ’em In
The more intimate nature of the Diet FLOAT event meant that each instructor could teach each class just one time to the entire attending audience. Patty Sorell, CBA, shows the class how to do centerpieces without using helium.